Sael Ervae

Name: Sael Ervae
Rank: civilian
Species: Haldonan
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 1.78 m
Weight: 58 kg
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown
Birthplace: Jalina, Capital city of Haldona
Birthdate: 2367
Hobbies: Sailing, riding, the mechanics of things (loves to take things apart to try and find out how they work), reading, music - both listening and playing
Languages: Haldonan, Federation Standard



His mother having died in childbirth delivering him, Sael never knew her...yet his brother, Prince Tyreos, and his father, despite being the King over the whole of Haldona, made it up to him by showering him with love and affection. Whilst his brother was brought up in the strict fashion befitting the Immediate Heir to the throne, Sael’s upbringing as the second Prince was slightly more relaxed, allowing him more freedom to express himself and simply have fun.

He was still quite young at 12 when his condition first became noticeable. Fearing the worst, that the plague that troubled the poverty stricken had managed to find him, the King sent for the finest doctors who reassured quickly that it wasn’t plague...however, they had no idea what it actually was. All they could do was provide medication for the symptoms...his stamina decreasing along with his energy at times...some headaches and dizziness...but the most serious, a lacking in the blood’s natural ability to clot, so making the slightest of wounds possibly fatal as it would continue to bleed on and on, the body unable to form the protective barrier from clotting to stop it as is usual, and drugs being needed instead to be given whenever injury occurred.

Yet he still carried on being his alive and playful would only be the upcoming events that would change that. His father, the King, was charged by Lords from rival Houses who wanted power for themselves on false charges of treason. The King refused to bow down to the ridiculous charges, so the Houses involved gathered their forces and attacked the Palace. Sael had been sleeping in his brother’s room that night, and he awoke to fire bombs being thrown through the windows. He tried to get out, but the door was locked and they couldn’t break it down as the flames started to consume the room. He watched his brother die in front of his eyes and was ready for the same fate...but the enemy soldiers that had managed to break in and take over the palace opened the door up and dragged him out.

His father was executed on the false charges of treason. The Lords weren’t sure what to do with Sael though. Tyreos was no problem having been killed in the fire, but no one wanted the blood of a Prince on their hands by murdering Sael, as there was no way to draw any such charges against a 16 year old boy as they had done with his father. They put him down into the dungeons instead, and he was locked in an underground cell and forgotten about for two years.

It was a guard that had felt sorry for him who finally managed to smuggle him out, and he was taken off planet for his own safety. A council member who had been loyal to his family secretly appealed to Starfleet to take Sael for his own safety as his life was at risk on Haldona. They agreed, and due to both the severe mental and physical scars, he was taken to the Medical Base to try and heal the broken young man.

Personality Profile:
Sael had once been an outgoing and lively young man, quick to smile and playful. Now, his experiences have changed him. He is quiet and reclusive, suspicious and mistrustful. He flinches from unexpected touch and retreats to a curl up in the corner of a room whenever feeling threatened. He is painfully shy, and paranoid that people are watching him. He still grieves for his father and brother, and feels completely out of place in the Federation life, yet has such bad memories of his homeworld that he cannot imagine going back there.

Special Notes:
Despite concerns for Sael’s mental health in terms of possible suicidal thoughts (although not bad enough for him to be put on suicide watch) he has to carry around his medication with him in case of injury. He must immediately take his medication on receiving an injury or cut to try and make the blood clot in time to stop him from bleeding to death as he would do with a bad injury and without the medication. He also suffers from tiredness, headaches and dizzyspells due to the unknown illness that causes the blood problems. He is also being treated for his burn injuries sustained during the fire that were never treated, and the other injuries received during his two years imprisonment.