European Front

This is the table of the European front in 1944, just before operation Overlord, the landing of Normandy.
SACEUR: Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhouwer assSACEUR: Mar. Tedder
CINC-ARMY: Mar. Bernard Montgommery CINC-AIR: Mar. Leigh-Mallory CINC-NAVY: Adm. Ramsey
6th Airborne (UK): Gen. maj. Gale 8th USAAF: Gen. Doolittle US Navy: rear adm. A.G. Kirk
101th airborne (US): gen. M. Taylor Bomber Command (UK): Gen. A. Harris UK Navy: rear adm. Vian
82th airborne (US): Gen. M. Ridgway Us Stategic Air Forces: Gen. Spaatz
Batllion rangers: Lt. Col. Rudder
1st army (US): Gen. Omar Bradley
7th Corps (US): gen. L. Collins
5th Corps (US): gen. Gerow
2nd army (UK): Gen. Miles Dempsey
50th div. (UK): gen. maj. Graham
3rd div (CAN):
3rd div (UK): Gen. maj. Rennie