Western Front 1944

This is the German Command structure just before operation Overlord, the allied landing in Normandy

Oberbefëhlshaber: Hitler
CINC-ARMY: Mar. Von Rundstedt CINC-AIR: Mar. Göring CINC-NAVY: Adm. Ruge
Heeresgrüppe G: Gen. Blaskowitz luftflotte 3: Mar. Von Sperrle Navy Commander West: Adm. Krancke
1st army: Gen. von der Chevallerie
19th army: Gen. von Sodenstern
Reserve: 9th, 11th PD., 2nd SS-PD, 17th SS-PGD.
Heeresgrüppe B: Mar. Rommel
7th army: Gen. Dollmann
15th army: Gen. von Salmuth
reserve: 2nd, 21st, 116th PD.
Panzer Group West (1st, 12th, 17th SS-PD, PD-Lehr): Gen. Von Schweppenburg